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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Starting something new (sort of).

You know how each week (well, that's my intent, anyway) I post my week in review? My picture-a-day collection? Well, I was thinking that in addition to those (semi)weekly posts, I could also do a weekly post about the positive things in my life. Or just positive things in general, even if they're not directly in my life (an example of the latter would be pools. I do not have a pool, and do not belong to a gym that has a pool, but I like pools and generally have fun when at and in them, so I'd include them on my list of positives). I've posted lists of positives before, numerous times, but never consistently, and I feel like it would do me some good to do so consistently. To build off of what I learned in Barbara Frederickson's Positivity. Doug reminded me of the "broaden and build" theory of positive emotions this week, which made me realize that I didn't internalize as much of Frederickson's book as I thought (because after I read her book I said, "Sure, I'll follow the broaden and build theory - no problem!" and then I could barely remember having learned about it.). And what better way to learn something than through practice? So I will practice broadening and building with my blog, a source of positive energy for me, and I'll start practicing right now.

* Since I already mentioned it, I'll say it again - pools. Pools are refreshing on a warm day, and when swimming in one life feels for me light and effortless.

* Yogurt. This gets on my list of positives all the time, but who cares. I love yogurt.

* Cats. Mine especially, but really all cats. Here's a photo of one of mine, to help illustrate why they bring positivity into my life:

* Freshly-cut flowers. Of any kind. All kinds. And in a vase and in my house.

* Hooded sweatshirts and yoga pants. And Crocs. I admit to liking Crocs; they're so easy!

* Bagel chips.

* Banana chocolate chip ice cream from the UConn Dairy Bar.

* The UConn Dairy Bar.

* Couch time with Doug.

Okay, that's enough for today. See you again in a week (give or take; you know me and my sense of time) with more positives. Broaden and build!


MVD said...

Amen! Let the positivity breed.

Emily said...

Excellent list! I've heard a lot about the UConn Dairy Bar, but have still never been there.