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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picture a Day has moved!

I've been getting a little concerned about my picture a day/week in review posts taking up a lot of bandwidth on my blog. And I've also been feeling pretty guilty (and irresponsible) for not using my flickr account, the one to which I paid to upgrade last year because I wanted to have a way to display all of my photos, and not via my blog. So my new solution? To move my Picture a Day project to flickr, and you can now find it here. Bookmark that link, or if you lose the link, just go to the Picture a Day set at librarianro's flickr page (and you can get there through my photostream).

So take a look - I've updated with photos from the last week, including this one, one of my favorites from the past few days. And when I do make an update to my flickr page, I'll be sure to include it in a post so that you can know to check it out.

** And as a P.S. - I realized yesterday well after I had posted about our trip to UConn that I spelled hockey as "hocky." Okay, that's a sign that I cannot blog before 8am. It's now fixed.


Emily said...

Alright! I just added you as a contact on Flickr and subscribed via RSS to your photostream. Yay technology!

Rosanne said...

An RSS feed! Great use of technology, Emily! I thought about explaining how to do that (for my mom and family), but decided my blog isn't a forum for teaching people how to use these new kinds of technologies. That's definitely something another blogger can do (and I'm sure plenty of others have!).