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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Really, who do I think I am?

I've been trying, perhaps unconsciously but trying nonetheless, to become a little more domesticated ever since Doug and I got married. To know my home and my way around it and to be gentle, lady-like, and I guess a bit like a 1950s housewife. I have been trying to cook and bake and knit and sew and garden and clean and "make" our home. Some things have been more successful than others.

For example, I've been making progress on my baking. As I mentioned before, I baked Doug a peach pie and didn't cause a great smoke-out in the kitchen or set off the obnoxious fire alarm. I was pleased with myself, so I documented the momentous occasion: Ahh, the picture of domesticity. Me, my pie, and my teapot.

However, tonight I was not successful in my endeavors. I was trying to make more progress on my craft project. I had to change the bobbin on the sewing machine because it had no thread, and then I had to re-thread the machine. I've re-threaded lots of times before, but tonight I just couldn't get it. I kept reading and re-reading the directions... what wasn't I getting? Finally, after a half hour of frustration, I realized that I was not turning the wheel counterclockwise. This made all the difference. And so once my machine was threaded I set out to make three more of my particular project. I've made something like ten already, but are they getting any better? Not really. It's like I start at square one each time I press my foot on the power pedal. My sewing is zig-zaggy when it shouldn't be, I press the pedal too hard and make the needle go too fast and sew way beyond the edge of the material... this project is turning into a bit of a disaster, and to top it all off, tonight, just as I was rounding the last corner on the last one of my project I was making, I sewed my finger together. Yup! Needle went right through my index finger and blood immediately started to gush (though thankfully I yanked my finger away from the needle fast enough to protect the material from my blood). However, in the process of yanking I bent the sewing needle. So not only was my finger in intense, throbbing pain, but my needle was useless and I would have to change it (which I had never done before).

Luckily, it wasn't hard to change the needle, but still, give me a break. What more can go wrong with this project? I changed the needle, re-threaded the machine, and finished the last of my project for the night, but I am just really looking forward to when it's done. At times I am very enthusiastic about it. I think I'm doing a good job, and I dream of selling my goods on Etsy one day. But apparently not until I can sew in a straight line - and avoid my finger.

1 comment:

cottonmather said...

I hope your finger is better. I once stapled my finger in 5th grade.