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Monday, August 10, 2009

I heart Mystic (along with lots of other people)

Yesterday was pretty rotten as far as days go, but today, despite it being a hot, humid Monday, was better. Was able to wake up to my alarm (and even remembered to set it!), shaved, and was out the door on time, not to mention the fact that I was even somewhat productive at work today. While I did discover when I got home that we had lost another of our fish (leaving us with just three tiny cory cats in a giant 30 gallon tank), today was still a good day.

So yes, we lost another fish. Friday night when I got home Doug told me that we had an "almost casualty" in the fish tank. The Cheeseman/Stanley (don't know which one he was) was barely swimming, and he was doing so upside down. Had a case of ich. He was still alive, though. Doug wanted to head out to get him some drops, but because I want to put the fish tank away for a while and rid ourselves of having to take care of it, thought that we should let nature take its course. We compromised; if the fish was still alive the next morning we'd run out and get him drops. He wasn't. So I flushed the bulbous guy before Doug could have a chance to feel guilty about not getting him the drops. Then today, only two days later, I come home and look for the koi, the last of the big fish in the tank. I don't see him... hmm, he was just there this morning! But there he is, lying on the bottom of the tank, dead as a doornail. Very odd. He didn't look like he had ich, so I'm not sure what his issue was. But here's another interesting tidbit. So while my mom and my sister and the kids were staying at our house while we were on vacation, they said the tank was bright green, just as it had been when we left for Maine. When we got back from Maine, though, the tank was no longer green and the water had cleared up. My mother didn't really believe me - it was like lime jello only two days before. And now, just a week later, two of our fishies are dead. Are these coincidences? Probably not. Anyway, the tank is lonely now, being way too big for three tiny fish.We're going to get a smaller, table-top tank, maybe 5 gallons or so, and scale back our aquarium.

On to the good stuff, though. On Saturday Doug and I headed to the Mystic Art Show with my mom, sister and brother. It is turning into an annual event, and I love it. I look forward to it every year. There's something very charming about Mystic. My sister says she'd like to retire there. I would, too. Any town with a working drawbridge is right for me.

Did we buy any art? Yes. Doug and I picked up three small items - this very tiny watercolor to add to our art wall, a decoy print, and also an ink drawing. The print and drawing we haven't put up yet, so I won't post photos of them until we do. I'm trying to think of the best place for them. Might have to rearrange some other items to make room. My sister got some art, too. She's a great art collector and has been collecting for years - she sees something that she likes and pulls the trigger. Wish I could be more like that, but I'm too concerned about not having enough room for more art, or not wanting to spend the money.

But just as cool as the art is the fact that the family is together that day and having fun. We are all interested in checking out the art and other wares, as you can see here in this photo of all of us entranced by the goods. It's fun to go to a booth and look at the art and then point out the pieces you either like or don't like to your equally interested mom, sister, or brother. Or husband. It's like an art museum, only somewhat better - these pieces you can actually take home with you if you like them enough. So while the day is a success from an art point of view, it's also a success from a family bonding point of view. I was happy to hang out with my family on Saturday, and I hope they were happy to hang out with me, too. Thankfully my bad mood didn't develop until Sunday!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love that little watercolor!