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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fun is... jogging?

I jogged today! A whole twenty minutes of continuous jogging. I realize that before, when I was reluctant to run, I never got over that initial out-of-breath-I-think-I'm-going-to-die feeling that I get when I first set out on a jog. It happens about a minute into it, when my body and lungs seize and I feel like I am going to need someone to give me oxygen. That feeling does pass, though... I just need to brew through and get to the next level. Then I can run fine, and I do. Well, I wouldn't necessarily call it running. I used to run on the treadmill way back in the winter, but now all I can do is a leisurely jog. But whatever! I'm out there, it feels good, and if I keep it up I may even get back into running. My goal would be to do the Manchester Road Race. I think it's too late for me to run it this year, but there's always next year. Maybe Dedham has a road race. I'll have to investigate.

In other news, I am SUPER excited to go to Slater Mill this Saturday. I dreamed up this trip this morning as I was thinking of ways to get me through the rest of the week - this trip is my dangling carrot. Last night on Ghost Hunters the crew was investigating at Slater Mill. They got some interesting results on the K2 meter, and also some creepy EVPs. Doug and I are looking to investigate the mill ourselves (i.e. take some photos and look for orbs or something minimal like that), and I am very excited to get out and see an historical site. Hopefully the thunderstorms will keep away... although maybe that would make the trip more ghostly!

Also on Saturday I get my haircut. I'm trying out a place in Norwood. Why not just go to the place I usually go? It's not like I moved far from Newton. Well, it's because the last couple of haircuts my hairdresser in Brookline gave me didn't turn out so good, so I started to go down to the lady at Shampoo One in East Hartford (yes, Connecticut) whenever I happened to be down that way, which was often. I'm not really often down that way anymore, so I figured I should just try to get someone local. Let's see how this goes. I'm always tempted to just grow out my hair, have it be long again (it hasn't been long in years), but I get tired of waiting for it to grow and want a change, so I just cut it off. We'll see how the mood strikes me on Saturday. Oooh, but here's a good question... If I had to have celebrity hair, which celebrity hair should I have? What would be a good cut for me? This is something I'd be interested in hearing about...


cottonmather said...

Jennifer Aniston

Rosanne said...

The Rachel?

Adam said...

It is not too late to start training for manchester! I have not even started training yet. I'll email you some training plans if you'd like...keep on running! You and cottonmather could run it together -- in costume -- but what would you be?

Rosanne said...

Hester Prynne? Cottonmather would no doubt wear his tricorner hat, so I'd have to be something equally as historic. The plan is to jog tomorrow morning... still am not doing more than 20 minutes, though.