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Monday, February 1, 2010


I love making lists. Lists of all sorts. Lists of what I want to be when I grow up, lists of places I want to live when I grow up, lists of degrees I'd like to get if school were free and I had all the time in the world to go, lists of types of dogs to get one day, lists of places to go on vacation, grocery lists, and, of course, my all-time favorite, the to-do list. Making a to-do list helps to keep all the things that run around in my head in one neat and organized place, and my brain is not so neat and organized. Do I do all the things on my to-do lists? Hardly. But if I did everything on my list then I wouldn't have a list anymore, and that would make me sad.

What's on my to-do list right now, for tonight? Here's a sample:

* Eat dinner.

* Watch a movie.

* Find out if tonight's Antiques Roadshow will be rebroadcast so that I can record it.

* Put myself on auto-payment for my student loans, because Sallie Mae insists that both of my email addresses are invalid and refuses to send me a paper bill, so I missed one of my payments.

* Put some new tunes on my iPod.

* Put my Washington D.C. pictures into the picture album I bought.

* Make appointments for the cats at the vet.

* Make an appointment for the giant cotton ball at the groomer.

* Clean the cat puke off the sheets on the bed.

* Put clean sheets on the bed.

* Get into the freshly made bed and go to sleep.

Think I'm going to get all those things done? No way! My to-do list never ends. I just keep crossing the few things I do get done off the list and then adding more stuff and changing the date.

I did scratch some things off of my to-do list this weekend, though. I scratched off:

* Finish bibs. Finished bibs, with snaps: And, of course, because what would be a bibs post without a photo of a cat in a bib, Wyatt sported one of the bibs for everyone to see. Couldn't get the other cats in the bibs, though - the others are too smart for that.

* Get new cat food bowls that they can't knock over. The before was pretty old and beat, and the little crunchy bits that Meg leaves everywhere were painful to stocking feet. The after is a bit more stylish, a bit more clean, and a lot harder to knock over. Besides, who wouldn't want to eat out of a Julius Monkey bowl?

* Take more photos of the cats. Not a weekend can go by without this one being added to the to-do list and then scratched off. I'll say it again - Sasha is one photogenic kitty cat.

So, yes, my to-do list. Only three items scratched off, but still, enough to make me feel like something was accomplished. Now to move on to tonight's list. Time to scratch off dinner! Popcorn here I come!

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