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Monday, November 16, 2009

Just some more of my positives (probably some repeats!).

It's been a while since I blogged about the positives in my life, so I thought I'd do that today. The weekend was very enjoyable, and I even did some exercising on both days. Those two things combine to make me in a pretty up-beat mood. Jillian Michaels and her 30-day shred kick my butt pretty hard. I may add her first to the below list of things that are positive in my life right now:

* Jillian Michaels and her 30-day shred video gives me three intense workouts, each only 20-minutes long. I really like the 20-minute workout.

* Yogurt. I have said it before, but I love yogurt of all kinds. My current favorite is thick and smooth American yogurt of the Brown Cow variety.

* Babies. I know she's not mine, but little Ruby is such a nice bright spot in the world. Thanks for bringing her here, Chris and Chris! She makes me think that taking care of babies maybe isn't so scary... but I may have to spend more time with her to really make that decision :-)

* Working Museums. See forthcoming post on our visit to Old Sturbridge Village, I think a great place to spend a day. Thinking about becoming a member!

* Colonial America. Doug and I are watching the HBO John Adams miniseries, and all it has done is reinforce my interest in that era. I want to absorb all I can about the formation of our nation, and most especially, the people involved in the process.

* My house. Is it stupid to like so much something so material? But I like my house. I like the way Doug and I have made it our own (though I do not like that phrase), and the way that I come home each day and feel at home.

* Thinking about dinner. One of my favorite activities during the day (any day, whether it's a work day or a weekend day) is to think about what to eat for dinner. Even if I'm not going to be cooking the dinner, I like to think about what and where I might eat. Gives me something to look forward to, because I really like to eat, I guess.

* Books. Isn't this obvious? If only there were more time in the day to read.

* My cats. This morning I was thinking about all the things that make Sasha cute. How her face has such perfect proportions and how she is colored so well. Then she tried to jump on my lap while I was peeing. Somehow I still thought she was cute. What's wrong with me today?

* Doug. I really think I forget to tell him how much he makes me smile, so why not tell the world and him at the same time. He's a good egg, that one, especially when he's unclogging the vacuum cleaner of the sock I mistakenly sucked up last night. I don't know anyone else who can stay more patient with me.

So there. There's my list of positives for today. And every day, really, but today I just needed to share it.


MVD said...

You have so many positives in your life, and you make them happy! Go Ro!

Rosanne said...

Here's a positive I left off of my list - reading my friends' blogs. A favorite activity of mine, but I miss blogs coming from MVD! More Cavity Packed! The world needs more Marieke.