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Friday, May 15, 2009

It's almost the weekend!

I look forward to each weekend; they are what keep me going these days, and this weekend is no exception. Yes, I do have to work on my staff reviews this weekend (will continue to do so in a minute), but I am determined to add some fun into the mix. Tomorrow we are thinking of heading to Brimfield. We don't have anything that we want to get; we just think it will be fun. The photo to the right was taken at our trip to Brimfield last fall.That was a fun day, but tiring. It's very tiring walking around looking at (mostly) junk all day. It's funny because my sister and mother and my sister's in-laws all get together and make an annual trek to Brimfield and I always thought of it as this somewhat mystical place where the fields would be lined with valuable antiques. I imagined myself going there, buying some sort of old bowl or chest of drawers, and then discovering that it was worth tens of thousands of dollars. That may happen for people, but from what I can tell of Brimfield most of it is priced pretty high if it's worth anything, and the rest of it is junk. Still, though, I guess for a fun weekend activity I'd rather look through someone else's junk (getting an iced coffee on the way, of course) than my own junk, so we'll probably be making our way towards the middle of the state tomorrow. Sunday is supposed to rain, so whatever chores or boring, domestic-y household stuff we have to do can be done then.

However, in order for me to be able to go to Brimfield and not have panic attacks over work, I should get going to work on my reviews. It's an odd situation in which I find myself - reviewing the performance of people whom I've only known in a managerial capacity for 6 months, because before that I was just one of them. These are tough to do; it's a fine line between being constructively critical and just downright critical. I don't like walking that line.

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