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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I went to church this weekend and ate the wafer.

My niece and goddaughter, Maddy, received her first communion this past Saturday. This is the blessed event when one is deemed old and wise enough to eat the body and drink the blood of Christ. I've noticed that at all the churches I've been to (granted not that many) I've never seen anyone but the priest drink the blood of Christ. Must be for sanitary reasons, but my nephew says that one of the boys in the fourth grade of his school can only drink the blood of Christ and can't eat his body. Perhaps this boy has a gluten allergy; will Christ become gluten-free? But I digress.

Maddy was beautiful that day. Maddy is always beautiful, but today she was practically radiant. She was very excited to be making her first communion; it's a very community event. She goes to catholic school, so her whole class was receiving communion that day. I can see how cults can be formed. Not that Catholicism is a cult, but it has that group-think mentality. Maddy and her friends are all being taught the same ideas, and are not yet wondering to themselves if what they are learning is true, if they believe it, or if they should believe it. They go to school together each day, go to church together, receive communion together... they are the picture of good Catholics, and the priest said as much. It's when this group grows up and starts to splinter and develop individual personalities that the sense of community will be lost. That is, if they grow up to develop individual personalities. But, again, I digress.

Here are some photos of the little lady. These are post-ceremony, as the photos of the ceremony are all blurry. You'll note that Maddy is wearing a dress. She picked out this dress herself, and I think she was the most charming of all the girls that day. The others were all wearing fancy wedding-like dresses, with long veils and elaborate up-dos. Maddy was very natural and looked very nice in her dress (though couldn't wait to get it off, and shed the little coat that went with it during the post-ceremony reception as it was "itchy").

Doug and I were eager for the post-church festivities, as these always involve donuts and apple juice. This time was no exception, so Doug and I stuffed ourselves with Munchkins (I ate the body of Christ, but I hate to say it was not very filling), as did everyone else. Frankie at one point at four or five Munchkins in his mouth at once. Here is the beginning of this feat: What a ham.

Back at my sister's house, we ate and ate and ate and ate and ate some more. In between the eating Maddy opened her gifts (several rosaries, a necklace of miraculous Mary, a crucifix, and some other holy-like gifts. Doug & I gave her a gift card to Toys-R-Us...); Maddy was thrilled with the religious swag. A couple of photos of her and her loot: Here's another photo of my dear, sweet Mads looking at her cake, which had yet another rosary on it (and then there's one of me mixing up some whipped cream with my mother looking on... we like desserts in this family):

Finally, here's a photo of me and my mother, in honor of Mother's Day this Sunday. My mother is such a trooper. She loves her grandchildren and does so much for them. She does so much for everyone. I was so happy to see her wearing to the first communion a nice new shirt that she had just bought for herself. She never gets herself anything but always gets for her family. She's very selfless, my mom. We love her! Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


Emily said...

Awww, this was very sweet and made me realize I have not yet sent my mother a card - yikes!
Maddy does look beautiful - I remember her from your wedding. What a cutie!
I'm trying to remember getting communion at our church growing up... I think wine (or the BLOOD) was offered, in little plastic cups, but not many took it.

Rosanne said...

Yes, I don't really remember my first communion, either. I do remember communions, though. I usually go up to communion each time I'm in church (which is only when my nieces and nephew have some sort of church function), which drives Doug nuts, because I don't believe any of it. I just do it. The wafer (excuse me, BODY) is tasteless and dry. The least the church could do is flavor it. I imagine Jesus would have been a tasty guy.