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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Here I am with another list. It's been a while, hasn't it, but better late than never! Tonight's list is a snapshot of the things that I want to get done tonight. Or at least start, because if I at least start these things then I can feel productive. And I like to feel productive.

* Eat dinner. We are going through a frozen food/canned food/clean out the cupboards kick here at the ranch, and so far we have made quite a dent. It's amazing how many burritos and pizzas we fit into our freezer, and now we have room for more. I smell a Trader Joe's run coming!

* Blog. Tonight's post is a bit on the lame side, but hey, at least I will have accomplished my goal!

* Exercise. Already done. Karen Voight's B*L*T on a Ball. I actually could have gone for a different kind of BLT tonight, but maybe I'll treat myself to one of those this weekend when our cupboard-cleaning policy has been lifted.

* Clean the bathrooms. Yup, gotta do it. It's time.

* Get out the spring/summer clothes for the seasonal clothes transfer project. It's that time of year again! I wonder how many bags of give-away clothes I'll make this year. I hold on to certain things year after year, thinking this will be the year I wear them, but I never do. Last year was an epic year for purging. It felt so good to purge. I don't think I could ever be a hoarder.

What didn't make the list of things to do tonight was working on my quilt. I worked on it this past weekend and made progress. This weekend I plan to do more, but while I'm procrastinating quilt-making tonight I can post a photo of a quilt that I saw on Sew Mama Sew! a couple of weeks ago and really, really want to make. Isn't it great? Look at the pattern! Look at the fabrics! But before I get ahead of myself I should just focus on the quilt that's sitting in pieces on my dining room table. I've got a ways to go on it, but I'm getting there. It's going to be great.


Emily said...

That quilt is beautiful. I bet yours is going to be awesome too!

Mmmmm, blt...

girl chris said...

Fabulous quilt! Those colors are awesome. Once you get the hang of it, please make an extra one for us? ;)