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Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm now old.

This past Thursday was my birthday, my thirtieth birthday. The big 3-0. I don't feel any different (I've always felt old), but it was kind of surreal to think that I'm now thirty. My poor mother must hate that her youngest child is so old... that only makes her old, too! Actually, I think my mother looks better at age sixty-four than I do at age thirty. I need to learn her secrets if I'm ever going to be in her shape when I'm sixty-four. I think I could learn a lot from my mother, and I'm now old enough to understand that.

Anyway, work threatened to ruin my birthday (oh, how I loathe you, budget!), but Doug came through and saved the day, as only a great husband can. I got out of work somewhat early on Thursday and we went to Isabella's in Dedham Square. It was very, very good - and very busy for 9pm on a Thursday. Now we know where all the Dedham movers and shakers go to hang out. After dinner we went home and I was surprised by a Wiggles balloon, a birthday banner, and a very heavy birthday gift that I was in no way expecting but am very stoked about. Now all I have to do is figure out how to sync this up to the Wii and fitness here I come (right?)! And then, since it was my thirtieth birthday, I finished the night off being wild and crazy like only I know how to be wild and crazy. Wyatt joined me. We're two wild and crazy guys!

Friday was work (I had planned to take both the 26th and 27th off, and Doug and I were going to go on a long weekend somewhere, but worked happened), but I managed to get out somewhat early again. In honor of my birthday, I got to choose my activities for the night, so I decided that we'd spend the night in the Verizon store. I ended up getting a new cell phone, but not a Storm like I had originally thought. That touch screen is just too tricky for this old girl, so I got a Chocolate instead. It's more appropriate for me, and it actually is a good little phone. I'm pleased I'm still technologically challenged. Maybe when I'm thirty-five I'll get into the smartphone craze. After closing out the Verizon store, Doug and I went to dinner at this cool little place in Westwood called Vello's - what giant homemade meals they serve! Very tasty, and a new favorite. But, because I wasn't stuffed enough on my giant bean and cheese burrito, I went home to have a giant slice of birthday cake. How could I resist? It was an ice cream cake, and my name was written all over it, literally. Again, thank you, Doug! The cake is excellent (think I might have a slice for dinner next!).

Saturday, after doing some much needed chores, like cleaning the shower (I still don't get why our bathroom shower scum is pink. This is one pink thing that I don't think is very pretty), Doug and I embarked on a trip to Portsmouth, NH. This was my surprise overnight destination, a fun place that Doug and I like to go to every so often to walk around, be near the water, and soak in all the old homes. Before we left, though, we made sure to give the kitties their good-bye kissies; Meg, however, was reluctant to stay behind. It's actually her birthday, too. She's now 6. Her birthday is March 25, and Meggie's 6. What a beautiful, beautiful kitty. Unfortunately, the B&B where we stayed doesn't allow pets, so Miss Meg had to stay home and celebrate her birthday wrestling with Wyatt and Sasha and barfing in her kitty house.

Portsmouth was great fun - we spent the afternoon (while the weather was still sort of decent) walking around, poking into little shops like art galleries and antique stores, and also grabbing some food and beer for lunch. For dinner we ate at this steakhouse called The Library, and I had a melt-in-your-mouth filet mignon and a very yummy baked sweet potato. To play up the library theme, the check was brought to us in an old book, and ours was some sort of religious tome. We were amused. The place was neat, though, and the decor was very fitting, so definitely a good choice for dinner. We walked back through the mist and fog to get to our B&B, The Ale House Inn, a modern set of rooms in an old factory/loft space. The decor was very clean, very sleek, and Doug instantly took a liking to the television, so much so that he investigated the model number and is now trying to track one down.
The plan is to put the TV in our bedroom into the basement to make a Wii/exercise zone, and put the white TV in the bedroom. We do like TV around here, but that's really funny because we don't really watch a whole lot of it anymore.

Anyway, Sunday we went to a late brunch, poked around some more shops, explored New Hampshire a bit, and then headed home. The weather was really kind of nasty, so being in the car wasn't a bad thing. All in all, a great birthday weekend. And I'm very much looking forward to this Saturday - go Revs! I hope everyone's coming who can make it. I hear there will be tri-corner hats for anyone who's got the revolutionary spirit! I'll be sad to see next weekend pass, though - that will be the end of the birthday celebrations. Turning thirty-one probably won't be nearly as fun. Maybe the next big birthday blow-out will be for Doug's 35th. Maybe we'll do another weekend in Burlington, VT (and here's hoping he won't have pneumonia!).


Unknown said...

Wow - what a great bday weekend! Love the picture of Doug with a TV for a head. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Thursday.

Emily said...

Sounds like you had an excellent 30th celebration! I hope the Revs game is fun, too. Sorry we can't make it.

Wii Fit is fun! I've played a bit with my 10 year old niece, which lessens the whole "working out" aspect a bit.

Rosanne said...

Yes, I'm looking forward to Wii Fitting, but I'm not sure how much exercise it will really give. I'll have to wait to try it to judge, though. And it's too bad you won't be at the game, but I knew that would be too difficult. Perhaps we'll be in your area soon, though!

And yes, Doug with a TV for a head - he does love TVs! He's turning into his grandfather, who has something like 8 TVs in his house right now...

girl chris said...

Yay for good birthdays! And the Wii Fit looks awesome. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.