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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three things.

Oh, blog. Blog, blog, blog, I say with a sigh in my voice. How I loved you once, and how I still do, but how I now neglect you. It's not that I don't have things to say, and to a certain extent it's not that I don't have time to write them. It's just that I fill my time with other things, and the things that I want to say just don't get said. I started out so enthusiastically writing, sometimes twice a day. And now I barely make once a week. It's a shame when life speeds up and interests get tossed aside. A shame.

However, I have a time management principle that I try to live by, and it's getting three things done a day. Three things. Only three things. If I can get three things done then I have had a good day. Let's apply that principle to the blog, and let's blog about three things today. The first will be Sarah and Andy and their wedding.

Our friends Sarah and Andy got married on 10/10/10. I have never met nicer people, and I felt honored to be at their wedding. And eat their mini wedding cakes. (I know my cake, and these were really, really good.) We got to see Chris and Chris at the wedding. They stayed with us that night, too. How good it was to see our Portland friends again. We miss those faces; we don't see them nearly enough.

Second up: Doug's parents. My in-laws came to visit. Yes, Doug's parents came to visit us in our house. They drove here. They finally made it. And if that weren't a miracle enough, they even stayed overnight. This has been eight years in the making. Eight years of good intentions and missed opportunities. But this time it finally all came together, and I think it was a success. We did a lot of talking. Doug's father did a lot of looking at the house. We went out to dinner, we drove around town, we went out to breakfast, we watched half of Paul Blart: Mall Cop and all of The 'burbs. We did all that we normally do at a visit with Joe and Linda, but this time it was not in Connecticut. It felt good to host for a change, and my fingers are crossed that it won't take eight more years for us to host again.

And my third thing for today is India. As in the country. India. I'm going there. Soon. Days. In days I am going to India. Can you believe it? I barely can. For only a few days I'm going to India, but I'm still going. I'm going for work. I'm excited. I'm a bit nervous (and no, not about terrorists or monsoons or raging water buffalo and whatever else, but about accidentally drinking or eating something tainted and getting sick. I have a fear of being sick, a real phobia, and this is my one fear about India.), but more than that I'm excited. It's finally starting to sink in that I'm going. I have my visa. I have my hotel reservation, and I now have my plane ticket. I'm going. For less than 96 hours I'll be in India, but think of all the otherness that I will experience in that short time. India fascinates me in a way that China or other "exotic" places never have. The colors, the sounds, the energy. The elephants. The tea! The sitar. So different. I will want more time there, I know, but there will be other opportunities. I will take this one while I have it.


girl chris said...

YES INDIA! Take in as much as you can -- it must be so very different. I hope you get to see more than you think you'll be able to see!

Rosanne said...

I know... India! Still hasn't sunk in, really, but I guess it will when I'm on the plane. Or when I'm in the hotel. Or when I'm at the Taj Mahal (the one non-work excursion planned...)! I'll have photos for sure.

SarahP said...

Thanks for the kind words, Ro! We loved having you and Doug at the wedding. Have a wonderful time in India -- can't wait to hear all about it!