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Sunday, January 11, 2009


I can't even contain myself about this one, though I have managed not to burst with joy about it (amazing!)... We finally have a new mattress! Yes, our Christmas wishes have come true. Doug and I are now sleeping on a fantastic queen-sized mattress and our double bed is now happily living in the guest room, making it for the first time since we've moved a real and proper guest room. Now where are our guests?

The new mattress came from Gardner Mattress, an awesome local company that makes its mattresses in Salem, MA, to order. You go into the store, find the one you want, they go into their manufacturing facility and build it for you. Our mattress was the floor model, which made it a bunch cheaper - all this hand-sewing and made-to-order stuff makes these babies pretty expensive. Did we have qualms about buying a floor model? Not at all. It was only on the floor since July and I bet 10 people total tested it out. It's one of their hardest styles, with no pillow top, so it doesn't appeal to too many people (but to Doug and me it's perfect). This is all good stuff, and now the mattress is upstairs, covered in cozy flannel sheets that we got from my parents for Christmas (my mom was also hoping that Santa would bring us a mattress this Christmas), making our lives that much better. It's funny how I don't get too excited about clothes or shoes or bags or anything like that anymore (I do, but not as much as I used to). Now what gets me going is our new oven, our new mattress, thoughts of a new front door, and dreams of a new refrigerator. I'm not even thirty yet and already I've turned the corner to domesticity...

This is the mattress. We were putting the mattress pad on it when we were like, "Wait! Let's take some photos! Blog content!" So here are some photos. Note the label on the mattress - that's Gardner Sisk, the company president. His parents (maybe grandparents?) started the Gardner Mattress company and for a while Gardner's baby photo (with the family pooch) was used for the mattress labels. If I were Gardner, I don't think I'd be too keen on having people sleeping - and doing who knows what else - on my face, which is maybe one of the many reasons why I don't run a mattress company.

As mentioned, our old mattress is now in the guest room, ready and waiting for guests! The room is just big enough to fit the bed (good thing it's a double bed), and it looks pretty good in there. We don't have a theme yet for that room; right now the bed looks just like it did in Newton, which was a mish-mash of colors and styles. We figure we'll decorate the guest room later this year, but for now we're content to simply have a guest room. Good things can't be rushed. We took some photos of the old bed in its new space, too, as we didn't want it to feel left out of the excitement.

One of the great things about this new mattress is that we're not the only ones who are enjoying it. Or who are enjoying the new bed in the guest room. Wyatt and Sasha are regulars on the new mattress and love the extra room they have to punch each other. Here are some photos of Sasha and Wyatt caught in the act of loving their new favorite hang-out spot: Wyatt is especially fond of the flannel sheets. This morning he decided that it wasn't good enough to just lie on top of the mattress; he needed to be closer to the flannel softness. So he burrowed himself under the covers, hunkered down, and rested for a while. I documented the activity, of course, and will now post for the world to see. And where is beautiful Meg in all of this new mattress fun? She's claimed the guest bed for herself. Right now she's probably under the red blanket, fast asleep, warm and secure, just how she likes it. Things are good here in our house now that we have this new mattress.

1 comment:

Emily said...

There is some adorable cat activity going on in your house.