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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Weekly update.

So here's the weekly update (warning - I don't have any new photos).

We took Sherman to the emergency vet last Sunday morning. I won't go into the details of why, but let's just say that I noticed something about him that was abnormal and concerning. So, we pack him up and drive him to Walpole to the Tufts emergency vet clinic. It's odd being there just about a year after we brought Wyatt there, but hey. That's the way the cookie crumbles. So the vet sees Sherman and determines that while he doesn't seem to have an emergency per se, he does seem to have some medical problems, none of them stemming from his neck surgery. (By the way, there was a vet on duty there that day, Dr. Paul, who performed Sherman's neck surgery the day the Animal Rescue League brought him in and she was absolutely over the moon to see Sherman doing so well. She showed me photos of his wound pre-, during-, and post-surgery. I'm telling you, it's a miracle this cat is alive. Dr. Paul feels he was burned by the tailpipe of a car, and was convinced that he either wouldn't survive the surgery or that he would be deformed post-surgery. No to both. So Sherman is one lucky cat.) Anyway, we are currently trying to treat his itchy ears and the issue for which we brought him to the vet, and if these treatments do not work then we need to take Sherman to a dermatologist for his ears and an internist for his other issue.

So. That's the deal with Sherman. We have been giving him his ear drops still and also his new oral medicine, and he hates both, and I end up wearing more of both medicines than actually get into his ears or mouth because he thrashes about when we are administering them, but we're still trying. And we're still trying to get Sasha and Meg to coexist with Sherman. I feel that Meg is now used to him. She walks around him and stays in the same room as him, and she'll give the most inoccuous growls in his direction only when he is within maybe 5 feet of her. So I consider her integrated. Sasha... well, she's still another story, but who knows. Some days she can be within five feet of him and not pull a Linda Blair-Exorcist move. Other times she can't. Overall there's progress, but still. My nerves are pretty much shot from this whole thing and I cannot wait (let me reiterate - I CANNOT WAIT!) for our week's vacation away from the house, away from the commute, from work, and, most importantly these days, away from the cats.

On Thursday night I went to see The Names of Love, which was playing as part of the Boston French Film Festival. (What a fun film, by the way. It took on some pretty weighty issues, like the deportation of Jews in France in WWII and the French hostilities and open prejudices against Muslims and North Africans, but really didn't have a dark tone at all. If you want to see Sara Forestrier in all her glory, too, please see this movie.) I got to hang out with a very fun friend who I really do not see often enough, and all I did was blab the whole time about the cats, late-quarter life crises, and a lot of other boring stuff. Next time we hang out it's her turn to vent. But I also got myself a ticket to the MFA, which I plan to use to see the new American wing of the museum either today or one night this week. Can't think of a better place to go to beat the heat.

And, on a final note, we're in the middle of a heat wave. Apparently there's a heat dome over the entire United States (and probably the world, and we'll be enclosed in this dome for eternity, until we shrivel like raisins or run out of water and die. At least that's the sense I'm getting from all the news reports, which really put me in a great mood and make me look oh-so-forward to the future.) and yesterday the temperatures in Boston cracked 100 degrees. I do not believe I ever remember the temperatures - in the shade, no less - ever cracking 100 around here. So yes, it was mighty hot. Still is. We put the air conditioner in the window last night and actually turned it on. I will honestly say that I am not complaining. I would much rather take a few days of this kind of heat than take months of this:

At least I can walk outside without turning into an icicle. And if I sweat and smell, so be it. I can always go inside somewhere to cool off, but in the winter I feel like I can never get warm enough. But I won't have to think about that for at least another four months, so for now I'm just going to focus on enjoying the summer. Here's to 100 degrees!

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