I could write about my trip to Philadephia and my ACRL 2011 experience, but instead I'm going to write about other things. I've been thinking a lot about work lately (in fact, I have been waking up each morning thinking of work, either of how to deal with the people with whom I work or thinking about all the things that I want to get done that day... it's like Bain Capital all over again, though slightly less stressful) and tonight I'm tired of thinking about work and about libraries. I'm going to think about something else. Something like...
BioWillie. Do you know that Willie Nelson had his own branded biodiesel? The company tanked when the industry stopped promoting the use of biodiesel (which was claimed to be worse for the environment as a whole than petroleum-based fuels), but still. If my Mini had a diesel engine, if BioWillie were still being sold, and if any of the gas stations around here had a biodiesel pump, I'd buy it.
Cadbury Mini-Eggs. I love these little sweet things with the crisp candy shell. Really, they are my favorite holiday candy, hands down. What I don't love is the feeling I get after I eat, oh, I don't know - thirty? Forty little eggs? Who knows. I just eat and eat and eat them, even though I know that I am simply giving in to my body's reward system in a way that a drug-addict gives in, and that I don't need them or even really want them. It's shameful, it makes me literally sick to my stomach, but that's the way it is. Thank the lord that these candies are not around all year long. I wouldn't be able to stand it.
Banana bread. Tonight I baked a loaf of banana bread instead of practicing my violin. I had two nearly rotten bananas that I didn't have the heart to throw out, so I decided to make a bread. Which means that after I stop inhaling my Cadbury Mini-Eggs I will go butter up a slice of this bread (I put chocolate chips in it, too). Yeah, I'm really the picture of nutrition these days. I'm also regressing in terms of progress on my violin, but that's a subject for another post.
Jimmy Carter. Was he really all that bad? No president is without his flaws, and while Carter's term is not highly praised, he did push the country ahead in terms of energy consumption. He had solar panels installed on the White House! Any guy that does that cannot be all that bad. I don't see Obama putting solar panels on the White House (though, to be fair, he has made progess in healthcare policy, which Carter did not). Let's give Carter some credit.
Sneakers. I bought a new pair of sneakers this past weekend because my sneakers were no longer giving me the best support at the balls of my feet. I bought running shoes, which is funny, because I'm not a runner. I run less than half the time that I exercise, and I recently heard that to have the best foot health you should use cross-trainers when cross-training (which means what, exactly?) and running shoes only to run. So did I buy the wrong kind of sneakers? Will this motivate me to run more? All that I want is better support at the balls of my feet, not all of this added anxiety.
So, okay. Those are some random thoughts for the night. This is the kind of stuff that I think about when I am not thinking about work. Maybe I should have written that post about my conference after all - might have been more insightful and more interesting to read (and it would have had a picture or two!).
I'm quite fond of Jimmy Carter. Did you know he also writes poetry? Quite the Renaissance man, and I agree that he gets a bad rap.
Poetry! I knew he wrote novels, but not poetry. Even if it's not any good, good for him for trying.
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