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Thursday, September 4, 2008


We've invited family to our house for a housewarming on Saturday, October 11th. Not really sure what we're getting ourselves into... we've never hosted a family party before. I'm a bit worried that not a lot of people will come; it's Columbus Day weekend, and also the weekend after Jesse and Cara's wedding, so people may a) already have plans, or b) not want to spend another weekend day away from home. But we'd love to have anyone who wants to come and see our new pad. Plus, this motivates us to get the little things done that we are always meaning to get done, like hang the pictures, get the basement set up, get the office organized, and finally (finally!) finish unpacking/organizing the kitchen. I leave organizing and arranging the guest room off of this list because at this point, without a guest bed, we don't see the point in having that room set up. It will still be a catch-all spot until we can't use it for that purpose anymore.

Since in the invite I included a link to our blogs, enticing visitors with some photos of the house, I'll provide some here. First up, here's a photo of the living room pre-painting. We have a fireplace, which scares me to death because I am afraid I'll burn the house down if I try to use it. So for now, it's decorative.

This is the dining room pre-painting. It was a pale green, but the green was very bright at the same time. There was also faux-finishing to it, and that had to go.

Here's our bedroom post-painting, though pre-accent wall. This is the only room on the second floor of the house, which is why our house is considered one an a half stories, I guess?

My mother was such an incredible help the week that we painted the house. Here she is in the living room, covering the yellow with a shade of gray, which lets the color of the natural woodwork be the focal point of the room.

This is the dining room in progress - and yes, we've painted it purple. Two shades, no less!

We call this room the cat room, although the cats are usually not in it. The windows are perfect for them - low and large and they overlook the side of the yard where lots of squirrels like to run along the fence.

I'm painting the office a deep raspberry color; darker than the color in our music room in the apartment but lighter than a red. This is the only room besides our bedroom with white trim.

This photo was taken I think on the 5th day of painting, either the last or the second to last day of painting, and my mother is still in good spirits. She's amazing, and without her the work would not have gotten done.

The moving crew post-move. You all were fantastic! It took no time at all, and we almost beat the rain.

Sasha has found her favorite place in the house - the basket of dish towels in the sun-filled kitchen window. We have since moved the basket, since we were effectively wiping our dishes with cat hair.

One last photo - Doug with his cutter mattock. We have entered yard tool territory. We used this weapon to dig up an unruly stump. The stump is done. Doug, thankfully, was not hurt in the process.

These photos are great, I know, and there are so many more like them, but wouldn't you rather see the house in person? Come on up! We're not that far a drive, really.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rosie and Doug,
We love the pictures and are so glad the move went well. The painting is amazing and I hope you guys are starting to settle in.
We wish we could have been there to help out.
Give us a call and let use know how you are doing.
Mike & Amy

Anonymous said...

Love your blogs. Do you have any idea how heartbroken I am that we cannot be there for your housewarming! Gary's brother's 60th birthday party is the same day! Can we come Sunday just to give hugs and see your lovely new home? Your mother's love is priceless. She works so hard for all her children and doesn't even think of it as work - an act of love. So glad you two are doing so well. Loved the video of the Wyatt and all the trips you've taken. My sincere regrets for having to decline your housewarming invitation. Love you both, Aunt Edie and Gary

Rosanne said...

Oh, that's okay Aunt Edie! We'll have you guys up some other time. There will be other weekends, though maybe not until after the holiday season? October is booked for all of us and then there's November - Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner! We'll make time, though. We'll cook everyone a good, hearty meal.