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Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's raining!

Miracle of miracles - it's raining! We woke up in Monroe this morning (spent the weekend with Doug's parents) to see the rain splashing on the skylight. It was heavenly. And now, back in Dedham, we are listening to the rain splattering on the street outside, and a cool breeze is blowing through the windows. Now this is a lovely summer night.

Things on my mind tonight, as the weekend comes to a close and I'm looking another week straight in the eyes:

* Weight Watchers? I'm giving it considerable thought. I'm really not looking to lose weight, but I am looking to get a grip on eating. I find that I eat when I'm bored, and when I want to be somebody else, both of which are happening more and more these days. And when I'm in these frames of mind I don't make good food choices. Being held accountable could be helpful.

* Six Feet Under. We've started this series. Back in 2003, I watched the first two seasons of this show in one weekend, but never finished the rest of the seasons. Now, because Doug and I are on a major Dexter kick and when we first started to watch Dexter all I could do was think of Michael C. Hall as David Fisher, we are watching this series. There are many parallels between shows, and between characters. Our DVD player is getting a lot of use.

* Nantucket. When we were at the art show last weekend we saw many paintings of Nantucket (and my mother even bought one). Now I want to go. And I want to spend time biking around the island. So this week I plan to scope out B&Bs and look at the calendar to see what weekend could be good this fall. I've got to get Doug there; the scenery is great and who knows how much longer we'll be able to enjoy it.

* Pets. We still haven't gotten a third cat, and we haven't gotten a dog. We are having second thoughts about the addition. Meg has come out of her shell quite a bit since Wyatt's passed away. She sits on the bed next to me at night. She's always on the couch with us. She is now asking for love in an active way, which she never really did when Wyatt was around, preferring Wyatt to get what he wanted and needed. We worry that if we had a third cat that Meg would go back to being passive. We like Meggie being more direct. We want an environment where she can feel comfortable. So for right now - no third cat. And no dog. But, you know. Things can change, so we'll keep you posted.

I think we're caught up. That's all that's on my mind. I'm going to go listen some more to the rain. I love this sound.

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